promotional caterers with HeinzWe distribute free or discounted food as part of large-scale promotional campaigns. Our catering kiosks are branded in your company colours, complete with graphics and logos as necessary. These are then toured across the UK or feature prominently at certain targeted events for maximum product exposure. The positive feedback generated then boosts sales UK-wide.


branded sandwiches

We were contracted to provide a touring branded catering van to promote a certain salad filling. Six popular sandwich flavours had been chosen in advance by competition on Facebook, and could be claimed for free by members of the public with a redeemable coupon.


The promotion received extensive publicity, benefiting from heavy exposure on Facebook and Twitter as well as local news media. Over several weeks we visited Glasgow, London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, distributing thousands of sandwiches to members of the public.

We help with the paperwork and assist with positioning the branded food kiosks for maximum exposure.

Promotional catering for Digital Camera Marketing in LondonOther branded catering project include mini fish and chips which were turned around in 24 hours noticed, we also provided popcorn, hot dogs and candy floss.

On another quality promotional project we provided 350 portions of branded fish and chips to clients of Digital Cinema Media in three different locations around London.





Latest Branded Catering Projects

We use our catering skills to help promote a wide variety of products…

Which? Trusted Trader Catering Promotion

We recently helped promote Which? Trusted Trader status.

Bosch Cordless Drill Tour

As part of a marketing campaign for Bosch we toured around the UK promoting their new line of cordless drills with branded mugs and free hot breakfast baps. Nothing gets workmen motivated and enthusiastic quite like free food, it proved extremely effective in getting the message out.

Lidl Fun Days

Lidl (UK) employed us to cater at their various “Fun Days” held for their staff. We had our units wrapped to match their theme and provided a large catering team along with high output units to cook unlimited food for the Fun Day goers.

All the food and drink was provided by Lidl but cooked and served by us. We ensured the day ran smoothly, working with the management team to advise and help them when necessary.


Bibigo promotion Korean food people eating Bibigo promotional food

Bibigo promotional restaurant unit in LondonWe were employed by the Korean Restaurant Bibigo in Soho, London to give away free food samples to local office workers. Our catering unit was branded in their company colours and pictures of the food and staff were integrated into their social media campaign. We ensured a good location for the promotion as well as the efficient running of the catering service.

We are your premium promoters. If you want the best looking equipment for the most high profile brand then please speak with Wayne who can give you the most honest and best advice.



Heinz Tomato Soup

We visited Tenby on Boxing Day and Queens Ferry in Scotland on New Years Day.

We gave out over 1000 free soups to the loony dookers that jumped into the bitingly cold sea.

HSS Hire

We travelled to London for 22 days to give customers free breakfast rolls and tea or coffee as part of their Twitter promotion.

All graphics and branding were organised here at FW Catering.

For more information on how promotional caterers can be tailored for your business phone Wayne on 07989 475 376.


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